A Note from Ang & Grace, 3 February


Dear Grif-friend, We’re Ang and Grace—Griffin’s Sustainability Coordinators! Alongside working in our own separate capacities at the company, we head Green Griffin, which is our sustainability program dedicated to pioneering more environmentally friendly policies and practices in our theatre. It’s…

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A Note from Declan, 20 January


Dear Grif-friend, Like you, much of my holiday period was spent joyfully figuring out how to have a holiday period—with those close contacts, confirmed cases, and test-result-delays looming as the worst uninvited guests to any party. For me and my…

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A Note from Julieanne, 21 December


I last wrote to you on Day 9 as Griffin’s new Executive Director. It’s now Day 303. Needless to say, a chunk of that time was in lockdown. But despite the crappy year many of us have had, I am…

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A Note from Imogen, 9 December


My name is Imogen and I’m the Senior Producer here at Griffin. I’m one of the less romantic (unless you’re into admin, in which case I’m one of the most romantic) figures behind the shows you see at Griffin–I spend…

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Diana Reid: Response to Wherever She Wanders


Diana Reid is the author of Love & Virtue, the hit novel that serves as a peek behind closed doors of a prestigious residential college at an Australian university, as well as an interrogation of rape culture on campus. Diana formally…

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A Note from Declan, Tuesday 23 November


And… we’re off! By now, Griffin’s 2022 Season should have plastered your socials with a bunch of very colourful, clashing patterns. We hope you had your morning coffee first. And we also hope you’re as excited by it as we are! Though it…

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Griffin 2022: Super Big Win!


Theatre lovers who subscribed to Griffin’s 2022 Season before midnight on Friday 24 December automatically went in the running to win our fabulous Super Big Win prize! We’re thrilled to say that the winner, chosen completely at random, is Rani from…

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A Note from Dominic, 11 November


G’day Griff-friends! My name’s Dominic and if you’ve called the Box Office even once, there’s a strong chance that you and I have spoken. Still not sure? I’m the voice that makes you think you’ve called a telemarketing service by mistake! I’ve…

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A Note from AJ, 28 October


It’s been a while since I last wrote to you so I’ll reintroduce myself! I’m AJ, an amateur Egyptologist, comedian, pun enthusiast… but more importantly, the Associate Producer, Marketing here at Griffin! With the easing of restrictions, myself and the exceptional…

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