Faggots (with mash and gravy)


  Declan Greene’s The Homosexuals or ‘Faggots’ was commissioned by friends of Bruce Meagher and Greg Waters in celebration of a significant anniversary for the pair. So when they all attended the show last week, Greg arrived at the Griffin kitchen…

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A Note from Lee, 13 April


A big hello from Parramatta where I am rehearsing Smurf In Wanderland. Writer David Williams has created a very personal examination of what it means to be a football fan. It is touching, funny and fascinating. On paper. But David…

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A Note from Lee, 30 March


Joy of joys – sitting in the audience for The Homosexuals on Tuesday night and watching Declan Greene’s writing making Justin Fleming laugh. Of course I love how much all our audiences are enjoying this farce, but playwrights enjoying each other’s work is really great. Like…

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Peter's Tortilla Recipe


This week Peter has departed from his usual sweet creations and gone in a distinctly Spanish, savoury direction with a delicious tortilla. It’s the perfect treat to power you through the end of the working week (and fool you into…

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A Note from Lee, 16 March


Friday night will be the first preview of Declan Greene’s The Homosexuals or ‘Faggots’. We had a great season down at Malthouse in Melbourne so there is plenty of social media chatter from all your friends down there who saw it……

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A Note from Karen, 2nd March


I am not sure where the first two months of the year have gone, although given we have: … A Strategic Plan, the first show of our main season, closing next week. (Yes, next week is your last chance to see…

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Lane's farewell cake


We’ve been graced at Griffin with another amazing confection by our resident cake-wizard Peter, this time in honour of the lovely Lane’s departure. This nutty, squishy-with-dates delight is Peter’s take on Karen Martini’s interpretation of Dan Lepard’s “Marrakesh Express loaf…

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A Note from Phil, 16 February


I have been a long time campaigner for people’s right to wear short pants at the theatre. It’s an issue that is very dear to my heart, as a person who loves theatre and as a person who is, generally,…

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Peter's Vanilla Slice


Every couple of weeks the Griffin team is spoiled by the sublime baking talents of Peter O’Connell – our data guru & dessert extraordinaire. This week it was ‘Vanilla Slice à la Sao’, courtesy of this recipe by the CWA.Yummy!

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A Note from Phil, 2 February


At 9.15am this morning, on the train to work, I saw a proper grown-up business(y) woman sprint from the platform, throw herself through closing doors, hurry up the stairs and nestle down into a seat. Then, this proper grown-up woman,…

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