5 Questions with Tessa Leong


We’re excited to announce the appointment of Tessa Leong as Griffin’s new Associate Artistic Director, a new (and much needed) role that has only been made possible by generous support of the Griffin Women’s Initiative! Before Tessa starts with the…

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Participate in the #WorldsAStageChallenge!


This year, theatre lovers across the globe are feeling distant from one another without the unifying joy that audiences provide.  That’s why Griffin has created the #WorldsAStageChallenge—the DIY, online celebration of theatre that sets you the challenge of making the…

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A Note from Declan, 16 April


Dear Grif-friends, This edition of our e-newsletter is a doozy. There are some really exciting things happening at Griffin (check out the columns below my note!), but at the same time, these past couple of weeks have also been a…

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Make Some Noise for the Arts: Email your MP!

Griffin’s theatre is closed, our office is shut, and—most alarmingly—under the cloud of COVID-19 panic, the Arts and Entertainment industry in this country is being quietly dismantled by our government. If you’re reading this, you care about the arts. Please,…

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A Note from Declan, 12 March


Even if you’re trying to keep cool amidst COVID-19 hysteria, the last 48 hours have been pretty rattling. In Australia, as schools are closed, as festivals are cancelled, as the toilet paper aisles erupt in Karen-on-Karen violence, it’s getting harder…

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5 Questions with Caleb Lewis


Batch Festival 2020 is fast approaching, and in the lead up to the Festival, we’re posting a series of 5 Questions to give Grif-fans the chance to get to know our fabulous fresh crop of Batch artists performing on the…

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5 Questions with Margot Morales Tanjutco


Batch Festival 2020 kicks off in April, so in the lead up to the Festival, we’re posting a series of 5 Questions to give Grif-fans the chance to get to know our fabulous fresh crop of Batch artists performing on…

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5 Questions with Jonny Hawkins & Nell Ranney


Batch Festival 2020 has been announced, so we’re kicking off a series of 5 Questions here on the Griffin blog, to give Grif-fans the chance to get to know our fabulous fresh crop of Batch artists performing on the Stables…

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5 Questions with Julia Patey

Batch Festival 2020 kicks off in April, so in the lead up to the Festival, we’re posting a series of 5 Questions to give Grif-fans the chance to get to know our fabulous fresh crop of Batch artists performing on…

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