It’s been a big week here. Ooft. I feel like I say that a lot between tired gasps and sips of tea. But it really has been.
Firstly, you know you’ve had an excellent week in the theatre when meeting* the British acting legend and real-life Doctor Who Richard E. Grant in the Griffin foyer was perhaps only the third most exciting thing that happened.
This weekend we waved goodbye to Brooke Robinson’s unflinching and darkly comic Good. Cook. Friendly. Clean.—yet I am still house hunting. Quick note: never go and see a rental property that uses the phrase “boutique and humble living space.” You’re a cruel mistress, Sydney.
If you missed last Friday’s UP LATE… then you missed it. Move on. Life is too short to dwell on these things. But it was a classy hour of songs and stories and possibly too many jokes about Perth. Our next UP LATE is on August 17 so make sure you pop that one in your diary! They’re very fun.
We also bought a new 10,000 piece jigsaw puzzle for the office as a team bonding exercise (don’t you dare laugh)! The jigsaw is called “The 2019 Griffin Season” and the image it will make is the entire staff doing a daggy victory dance once we’ve locked in a stellar program for next year. With so many pieces, it’s a difficult job. But we’ll get there. Only another 6,482 pieces to go. Actually, has anyone seen a big blue puzzle piece with one pointy bit on the side? We might need that.
Okay, that’s enough from me, other than to say that I cannot wait for Hello, Beautiful! to arrive, and that we start rehearsals for The Almighty Sometimes next week. Another big week. Ooft. (He says, popping the kettle on).
*When I say I met him, I mean I stood a respectable distance away and smiled and resisted the urge to list my top five Withnail and I quotes at his face as he politely sipped his soda water. “I feel like a pig shat in my head.”