“Directed with a steady, compassionate hand by Marion Potts, Tara Morice’s Sandra is the centre of the play and you can’t look away from her for a second.” ★★★★ Cassie Tongue, Time Out
“The cast is a blessing: Tara Morice can do more with a look and prolonged silence than many can do with a full soliloquy, while Fayssal Bazzi and Kelly Paterniti are abundantly talented and able to carry off their various and wildly diverse characters and the weight of the action…Good Cook, Friendly, Clean should be at the top of your “to do” list.” Diana Simmonds, Stage Noise
“Playwright Robinson has identified something so ugly but so accurate, about modern Australia, and the reflection she offers up through the mirror of her play, is so hideous, it is almost unbearable to watch. We do of course, find ourselves mesmerised by the car crash scenario, a human catastrophe unfolding before our eyes, powerfully directed by Marion Potts who never once lets us off the hook.” Suzy Wrong, Suzy Goes See
“…an electric performance from Morice.” Jason Blake, Audrey Journal