It started around the time he turned 16. Everyone and everything started grating on Connor’s nerves. His mum, his dad, his teachers, even his best mate. Lately he just can’t help picking fights, slamming doors and flipping desks. Then his parents decide to dump him alone in a forest for a week.
As unpredictable as Connor himself, The Violent Outburst That Drew Me To You tackles the ticking time bomb of teenagerdom. Behind its sly and smart-arsed exterior is a searching exploration of adolescent anger, bound to strike a dissonant chord with anyone who’s ever caught a whiff of teen spirit.
Siren Theatre Co presents The Violent Outburst That Drew Me To You, by celebrated Tasmanian playwright Finegan Kruckemeyer and directed by Kate Gaul (The New Electric Ballroom).
Presented by Siren Theatre Co and Griffin Independent, in association with Inplay Arts.