“This highly entertaining production achieves something that you don’t always find in new stagings of Moliere: a mixture of outrageous comedy and tender humanity, side by side, sometimes clashing, but brought together sweetly in the springlike comic ending.” John MacCallum, The Australian
“The Literati is exceptional entertainment made doubly pleasurable at this intimate scale. Don’t miss it.” Jason Blake, The Sydney Morning Herald
“Fleming’s script is a gem of gymnastic linguistics, peppered with provocations and pleasures, as befits its classical template, astute and acerbic and unabashedly cheeky.” Richard Cotter, Australian Stage
“Gareth Davies and Miranda Tapsell are maddening and charming respectively, while Caroline Brazier and Kate Mulvany are gloriously awe-inspiring in their dual high-wire acts – between utterly sublime and utterly silly.” Diana Simmonds, Stage Noise
“There’s a deliciously off-the-wall edge to Mulvany’s performance, coupled with impeccable comic timing. You feel like you’re watching a master at work.” Dee Jefferson, Time Out Sydney
“Boasting fine performances, it’s Fleming’s deftness in adapting the prose which is the real reward here.”Glen Falkenstein, ArtsHub