We are in the middle of opening a new show! Literally in the middle. A little known fact that is unique to Griffin: we have two Opening Nights. Strange but true. With only 105 seats and so many people who have built this company over the years, we cannot fit everyone into one night. So we have two. And still there is not enough space! We burst at the seams on these nights. Perhaps we should have three Opening Nights? But that’s getting crazy. So yes, it is slightly weird, but in a wonderfully Griffin way. We had the first Opening last night and we have the second tonight. And in between the two, there is this strange limbo. Which is where you find me. Thrilled about how last night went and nervous about tonight. Exhausted and excited. Only at Griffin.
I want to tell you how amazing Sheridan Harbridge is, but I don’t want her to read this and feel any more pressure than she is already carrying. But seriously, you have to come and see her wield this elemental script. She stands in the middle of the storm that is the story and gives us an unforgettable experience. Her talent living in Suzie Miller’s words…don’t miss it.
It feels unbelievable that Batch Festival is over for another year. Thank you to all the artists who brought their work into the Stables. The building was buzzing with new ideas and new voices and new audiences. Inspiring, challenging and absolutely a portrait of the future of Australian theatre.
And speaking of the future, I am really looking forward to our Griffin Ambassadors seeing Prima Facie. The Ambassadors is an initiative started by David Berthold when he was Artistic Director here, to build future audiences for Griffin by giving free tickets to high school students. The Robertson Family Foundation makes it possible each year for 100 students in Years 10, 11, and 12 to come and see every Griffin Main Season play for free. So on one Saturday matinee in each season, the theatre is filled with young people who love theatre. We do a Q&A afterwards and the conversations about the play are complex, thoughtful and give me huge hope for the future of this country. And David Berthold was right—a lot of ex-Ambassadors are in our audience now because they started coming to the Stables at 16. Some of our staff members were Ambassadors! And I can’t wait to hear what they all think of Suzie Miller’s play. Stay tuned. I’ll let you know.
Lee Lewis
Artistic Director