Greetings from hot and beautiful Katherine!
Yes, I am way up north on a development of a new work. It’s too early to talk about the story yet, but one of the great things about working up here is that a break isn’t a quick trip to Messina – it’s a swim in the pools at the bottom of a waterfall. Leliyn (Edith Falls) in the Nitmiluk National Park is perfect in the hot, hot, hot afternoon. As I float in the current I’m thinking just #ChangeTheDate. And I am thinking that log looks like a crocodile.
Monday will see me back in the Sydney rehearsal room for the first day of David Finnigan’s Kill Climate Deniers. And I might just sneak into the theatre Monday night to see FAG/STAG again, which is proving to be a great festival hit.
If you are coming back from holidays, welcome back to the best time of year in Sydney – there is some great theatre to see. If you’re sneaking in a few more days before the end of January, good luck to you… I hope you find a great waterfall to sit under.
With love from the land of Paul’s Iced Coffee,
Lee Lewis
Artistic Director