5 Questions with Aanisa Vylet


Sauvage (WILD) is a meditation on womanhood, freedom, storytelling and myth making. It’s the brainchild of Aanisa Vylet, whose face you may know from our colourful Batch Festival image. Griffin can’t wait to host Aanisa and her beautiful, brand new show at Batch Festival.

1. Introduce yourself with a fun fact that someone might not know about you!

I tried to fly when I was 8 years old. I stood on the edge of our couch, spread my arms out and technically flew for about two seconds before I hit the floor. I got up briskly and I was very pleased with myself until I felt something wet on my face. I suddenly realised there was blood gushing out my nose. The strange shape of my nose today is testament to fulfilling one of my childhood dreams.

2. Paint us a picture of your show in 5 words.

Rhythmic. Theatrical. Wild. Tough Love.

3. What was the inspiration behind the creation of your show?

This play cropped into my mind before Johnny Depp started his SAUVAGE fragrance line.

The inspiration behind Sauvage (WILD) came to me while I was studying physical theatre in Barcelona four years ago. I wanted to discover who I was as a woman in my “natural state” – beyond my nationality, my cultural background, my religious upbringing and socialisation. Spain had brought out a side of me that I never knew existed – a strong, free and wild femininity I had forgotten I had within me. I decided to do a photoshoot to begin to explore what this “state of being” was (without being naked or running in a forest).

And somehow this photoshoot (in which I wore old Andalusian inspired clothing) led me to the process of exploring my ancestry as female storyteller. Many primal female storytellers were myth makers. In the process of creating this play, I too have created my own myth and I hope it is a conversation starter for all women and men who desire to return to their true skin.

4. What are you most looking forward to about bringing your show to Batch Festival 2019 at Griffin?

Originally I was going to say – “sharing the work with the audience” but to be honest, I am looking forward to all of it. This is the first development of the work so we are keeping it  playful and experimental. If this play has taught me anything so far it is this—trust your instinct, shout so you can find your tribe and you don’t need to suffer to create your art.

5. Which other shows are you hoping to catch at Batch?

All of them! The line up is wonderful and I am keen to support everyone’s artistic endeavours.