
Meg Ryan is looking for love on the internet. She finds a kind and thoughtful stranger in a chat room and instantly engages in flirty repartee. This show appears to be a romcom—it looks and feels like a romcom, and Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks are both charismatic and endearing romcom heavyweights, right? Wrong.

The plot spirals, genre bends, and a camp, uncanny parody begins. Can authentic human emotion prevail in the age of the internet? Or are we too invested in cyberspace? And is that a good or a bad thing?

Part performance art, part theatre, You’ve Got Mail is a tight hour of laughs, so-bad-they’re-good Hollywood tropes, and cyberfeminism. Whether you love, hate, or know nothing about the movie it’s satirising, You’ve Got Mail is a weird and wild heck of a ride.

Presented by Sotto.

This show contains sexual references and adult themes.

View the online program

Image: Sarah Hadley

Cast & Creatives

Co-creators Sarah Hadley and Ang Collins
Designer Nicholas Fry
Live Composer Benjamin Freeman
Lighting Designer Martin Kinnane
Producer Georgie Adamson
With Ella Prince, Christopher Ratcliffe, Sophia Campion

Performance Times

Friday 26 April 10pm
Saturday 27 April 10pm

Blog Posts

5 Questions with Sarah Hadley


Also kicking Batch Festival off on its opening weekend is You’ve Got Mail, a theatrical parody of the beloved 90s rom com of the same name, created by Sarah Hadley and Ang Collins. Co-creator and Director Sarah Hadley gave us a...

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