‘Sam Strong’s revival is riveting from its comic set up to its emotionally devastating end…Kowitz delivers one of the standout performances of the year in what is also one of the best productions overall.’ 10/10 The Sunday Herald
‘The Floating World is one of the very best productions of the year. Don’t miss it.’ ★★★★ ½ (4.5/5 stars) Sydney Morning Herald
‘Peter Kowitz gives one of the best performances of his 40-year career as a traumatised PoW in John Romeril’s forgotten gem of a play.’ ★★★★ ½ (4.5/5 stars) The Daily Telegraph
‘The play’s the thing in this beautifully staged but viscerally disturbing revival of a forgotten classic.’ ★★★★★ (5/5 stars) TimeOut Sydney
‘As the 50s moved into the 60s, and Australia was starting to forge a new relationship with Japan…the terrible experience of men such as Romeril’s dark hero Les Harding was being pushed into the background…Romeril brought it into the light again….Sam Strong’s superb revival, with an excellent cast led by Peter Kowitz and fine design by Stephen Curtis and Verity Hampson, brings it back for new generations.’ The Australian
‘A superb production…hits you in the head, heart and guts.’ ★★★★ ½ (4.5/5 stars) The Sunday Telegraph
‘Recent history and social change have conspired to enhance and re-focus the richness of John Romeril’s wonderful play of 1974; and Sam Strong’s fine production confirms both its classic status and its relevance for new generations in 2013…It’s one of the best productions of the Sydney year.’ Stage Noise
‘This is a fascinating and sensitive production of a play which has arguably only grown in relevance. Highly recommended.’ Australian Stage
‘Sam Strong has returned to The Griffin with a revival of an Australian classic that is close to a perfect piece of theatre.’ Gay News Network
‘A towering achievement.’ John Shand