I sat in the audience on Sunday afternoon with young Griffins marveling at the skill of actor Guy Edmonds for the final show in the sold-out season of The Witches, and wondered what plays our young audience would be subscribing to 20 years from now.
I sat in the audience last night listening to some of our most inventive creative producers discussing multi-platform and transmedia works and wondered at how our playwrights will evolve into storytellers across different media in the future. How do I bring Storm Surfers to Griffin?
As I sit each day, as the audience of one in the Emerald City rehearsal room, I wonder how the audience of Sydney has changed since 1986.
I sat in the audience for Joe Louie’s performance of Letters from Home in Perth on Saturday night wondering at the journeys of a young man choosing life in Western Australia over military service in Singapore.
I sat in the audience at the Carlisle Hotel watching the Rabbitohs win the Grand Final on Sunday cheering.
A week of being in many audiences, traveling across time, states, stories and futures… All the while thinking of how to incorporate all these ideas into 2015 at Griffin. You’ll just have to subscribe to see!