A note from Lee, 2 March


Griffin and the world and Sydney… not necessarily in that order… and definitely not in a way that makes sense yet. This week, information does not add up to knowledge:

1. Gravitational waves. Sound cool, but I don’t really understand them.
2. How to write about George Pell? There are weeks I am so glad I am not a journalist. Thank you David Marr.
3. Casting a family. Replay started rehearsal this week. It’s a play about a family of brothers. Who would you cast to play the people in your family? Casting family members in a new play is so tricky… but I think this cast is going to be so right!
4. Talking of family… the family that is Ladies Day. Fair Day was a great family day. Talking to the writers, actors, theatre lovers and just great lovers at Victoria Park about the play it was just awesome to see the depth of love for Griffin that Sydney audiences have. What do I have to do to convince all of the theatre companies to get together to make one big theatre family float for Mardi Gras parade next year? Eamon, Jonathan, Peter… let’s talk! Come and catch Ladies Day before it closes and feel the love.
5. Chris Rock and Rhianna’s pants and not being invited. Congrats to George Miller and all those artists who survived Namibia to make Fury Road.

6. All Four – a track on the Greensky Bluegrass album Handguns.

7. Octopus at the Continental Deli on Australia Street in Newtown – thank you Elvis for feeding me.
8. Basketballer Stephen Curry’s three pointers. Google him.
