A note from Will, 23 November


On Saturday night we say farewell to one of the most successful independent productions in Griffin’s history as Merciless Gods finishes its devastating run. A huge congratulations to Little Ones Theatre and Dan Giovannoni for his compelling adaptation and arrangement of Christos Tsiolkas’ anthology.

But it’s not Christmas yet (it really isn’t, please, please hold off on trees, novelty hats and slightly awkward expressions of bonhomie for one more week) and we have one more sensational show yet to come. 

Following a highly successful season in Melbourne, Morgan Rose’s Virgins & Cowboys opens at Griffin on 30 November. A dark, absurdist comedy about desire, despondency and the futile pursuit of satisfaction, Virgins and Cowboys plays out under the fluorescent glare of a generation for whom all the information has provided none of the answers.

The season only runs until 16 December, so purchase your tickets now. There’s nothing sadder than watching groups of friends circling the box office like hungry pets at the Christmas dinner table in the closing week of the play, hoping for a last minute reprieve. So book early and have a great night out!

And while you’re feeling organised, make sure to finalise your 2018 Subscription by the end of the month for your chance to claim Griffin’s smorgasbord of prizes in our Super Big Win.  Five extraordinary plays, special events, and all the benefits that subscribing brings – it certainly sounds festive to me.
