A Note from Ell, 13 June


Hello Grif-friend,

Relationships Manager Ell here reporting from Griffin HQ for my annual eNews where I bury the lead (clue: it might have something to do with 30 June—read on).

After the massive Stables send off that was The Lewis Trilogy, it feels so good to be back in the rehearsal room with Ellen van Neerven’s debut play, swim. Being there on the first day of rehearsals felt like coming home. We received a warm welcome at Carriageworks and begun the day with a smoking ceremony performed by Aunty Calita Murray and her son Dean. It was the most beautiful and grounding way to begin this process. swim is a tender yet tough story that explores water sovereignty and the binding strength of culture and family, and tickets are flying out the door. But never fear! We have just released a handful of new tickets to all available performances, so you better get in quick to book yours or they’ll disappear faster than Ariarne Titmus’ new world record time.

While you get your grubby mitts on tickets to swim, why not also secure your ticket to Flat Earthers: The Musical which are now on sale (sneaky plug for our 2 Play subscription if you want a discount on your tickets)! Conspiracy theories, synthesisers and queer love—what more could you want?! Griffin is so excited to co-produce this play with one of our neighbourhood theatre companies, Hayes Theatre Co. Whilst Griffin is on the go, it’s nice to come back to local roots—the only question now is whether you pick your regular pre-theatre restaurant or try somewhere the other side of the Potts Point Fountain—the decision is yours! (And your subscriber benefits are valid all year so make sure you take advantage of your 10% off Penny’s Cheese Shop if you’re attending a Saturday matinee).

swim, Flat Earthers, The Lewis Trilogy—yes they are all in Griffin’s 2024 Main Season, but you know what else they have in common? They’ve been supported by the generosity of Griffin’s donor community. 105 seats doesn’t bring in the box office big-bucks and as ticket sales only account for one third of our income, the generosity from our donor family achieves a lot. Your support—big or small—makes a tremendous difference in what Griffin can achieve.

To give a playwright and their play the best chance of success, Griffin is committed to support the work through its various stages of development—sometimes from the very beginning of a great idea. From hiring actors to read a new draft aloud to supporting an artist through year-long mentorship, the generosity from our donor family allows artists to dream bigger and for Griffin to bring those ideas to the stage!

Griffin subscribers and donors are unique in that you, like us, love exploring new ideas. Thank you for taking risks with us. Griffin never wavers from its mission to produce stories about us, written by us, for us. With you, we can continue to make the best new Australian theatre.

On behalf of the whole team at Griffin, please consider making a donation to Griffin Theatre Company before 30 June.
