G’day folks,
Dylan here—Griffin’s Literary Manager and resident ceramics enthusiast. Along with Literary Associate Julian Larnach, we’re the first port of call for playwrights—ensuring smooth sailing for plays during the development process and guiding them gently into dock.
Right now, the Griffin team is strapping on our goggles, slipping on our flower swimming caps and debating the merits of Speedos as we prepare for swim to commence rehearsals in June. Ellen van Neerven’s stunning play deftly explores Blak identity and gender with poetry and insight, featuring a breakout performance from Dani Sibosado. Don’t be left on the side of the pool (like me at the Year 8 swimming carnival)—take the dive and join us at Carriageworks in July!
We’re also hurtling towards the End of Financial Year, where you have the chance to help us bring new Australian stories to the stage. It might be bandied about a lot, but every bit truly does count, and there’s no donation too small towards ferrying the Next Big Thing to the stage. Griffin is at the frontline of conversations happening on stage nationally (who can forget Angus Cerini’s The Bleeding Tree or Meyne Wyatt’s searing City of Gold?) and even across the globe (Suzie Miller’s Prima Facie #amirite?); these are stories about us, by us, for us—thanks to you!
Anywho, I’m off to re-arrange my ceramics cupboard—and read a play or two!
See you in a foyer soon, palz!
Dylan Van Den Berg
Literary Manager