Come on everybody! You have to come back to work. I know 2015 doesn’t really get going ’til January 27 for you but for us over here at Griffin we’ve got so much going on you just have to catch up.
Sydney Festival and Kate Mulvany’s Masquerade was just awesome. The Drama Theatre at the Opera House was filled to the brim with families enjoying Kate’s fantastical tale of the Sun and the Moon and the riddle that is Love. It is now packed in a truck heading over to the State Theatre Company of South Australia where it will be performed as part of the Come Out Festival.
Back at home in the Stables Declan Greene is back in the house opening The Unspoken Word is ‘Joe’ on Friday. And Suzie Miller’s Caress/Ache is in rehearsal. The Lysicrates Prize is happening in the Royal Botanic Gardens and the new Studio artists are starting to read the entries in the 2015 Griffin Award. I don’t think we could jam more into January if we tried!
So, Happy New Year. How was your holiday?
Love Lee