Omar Musa is currently bringing the house down with his fantastic one-man show Since Ali Died, playing at Griffin until 19 January as part of Sydney Festival. You may know that he’s a rapper, poet and performer, but you may not know that he was once bitten by a monkey in the Amazon!
Have a read of these 5 Fun Facts with Omar to get to know more about the man, the myth. Then come along to the show, playing at the SBW Stables for a limited time only!
5 Fun Facts: with Omar Musa
1. My favourite animal is the Bornean sun bear or Bornean clouded leopard.
2. My favourite song is ‘All Along The Watch Tower’ by Jimmy Hendrix.
3. I once got bitten by a monkey in the Amazon while looking for pink river dolphins.
4. In year 10 I came third in the ACT for the 800m in athletics.
5. Apparently one of my Irish ancestors ate an enemy.
Since Ali Died runs until 19 January.