MinusOneSister: From the rehearsal room


As the MinusOneSister company head into their final stretch of rehearsals, actor Contessa Treffone reveals the excitement of working on a challenging and inventive script.

I started working on MinusOneSister 2 years ago. It was at the Patrick White Playwrights’ Award where I was a part of a company of actors who would read the winning play for that year. Anna Barnes won and I met the world of MinusOneSister. Reading it, the first thing I thought was; ‘How would anyone put this on?’. Now I am a part of a company putting it on!

Contessa Treffone, Kate Cheel, Liam Nunan, Lucy Heffernan

So, we are trying to update a Greek classic without changing the traditional chorus style. As an actor that means sometimes you are playing your character, for me Chrysothemis. Sometimes you are playing your character talking about their younger self. Playing characters who are talking about your character. Or, it means playing a group of people completely disconnected from your character. All in the same play.

That would have been challenging for Anna Barnes to write, but she is amazing. Coming into week three of rehearsals, it is also challenging for my fellow actors Kate Cheel, Lucy Heffernan and Liam Nunan- but they also are amazing.  Our director Luke Rogers knows it’s a challenge, but I suspect he likes that. We are constantly exploring  new ways of staging the play, and new ways of thinking about theatre.

I think we have created something exciting that will provoke you to think about things in a different way. Take the challenge, come see it.

Contessa Treffone
Actor, MinusOneSister

MinusOneSister plays 9 September – 3 October